Here’s a list of my favorite songs on 2011. I know it’s already February and most people’s heads are already past the end of the year wrap up, but better late then never, right? A lot of these songs come off on my Top 25 Albums of 2011 list. For me, there were some new discoveries as far as bands go (The Dodos, Milagres, The Globes, Grouplove), some songs that I should be sick of but I’m not yet (“Rolling in the Deep”, “Every Teardrop is a Waterfall”, “Sail”, “Pumped Up Kicks”), some artists who continue to reinvent themselves (Radiohead, Wilco, The Decemberists, Death Cab for Cutie), and some artists who have continued with their own classic sound (The Black Keys, Fleet Foxes, Bon Iver, Foo Fighters). I found myself really digging a Beyonce song, which never happens. And how Low got Uncle Jesse to be in their video, I don’t know, but I love it! Also, every year or two, a new hit comes out with whistling in it (“Young Folks” by Peter, Bjorn and John, “Home” by Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros, etc.) This year, Foster the People came out with two! In retrospect, lots of good tunes and singles came out in 2011 (along with great albums)! It’s one of the best years for music I can remember in a while. What songs did you like in 2011?The links for the bands go to their website. The links for the songs go to a music video/live performance. If you have a Spotify account, click on the link at the bottom and you can listen to everything on the list.
- Fleet Foxes – “Grown Ocean”
- The Dodos – “Black Night”
- Milagres – “Halfway”
- Death Cab for Cutie – “Codes and Keys”
- Grouplove – “Colours”
- The Decemberists – “Don’t Carry It All”
- Bon Iver – “Perth”
- Adele – “Rolling In The Deep”
- The Black Keys – “Lonely Boy”
- Foster The People – “Don’t Stop (Color On The Walls)”
- Wilco – “Art of Almost”
- Radiohead – “Lotus Flower”
- Awolnation – “Sail”
- The Decemberists – “Down By The Water”
- Fleet Foxes – “Bedouin Dress”
- The Globes – “Pretty Birds Above Our Heads”
- Foster The People – “Pumped Up Kicks”
- Death Cab for Cutie – “Home Is A Fire”
- St. Vincent – “Cruel”
- The Antlers – “I Don’t Want Love”
- Low – “Try to Sleep”
- Coldplay – “Every Teardrop Is a Waterfall”
- Beyonce – “Countdown”
- Foo Fighters – “Walk”
- Cage The Elephant – “Shake Me Down”
Link to Spotify playlist: Top 25 Songs of 2011